Reduce Stress with Mindfulness

It's easy to remember to eat and sleep, but sometimes it isn't so easy to remember to take care of our bodies and minds. While we're on the topic of self-care, I've been listening to a bunch of podcasts and reading a lot of books about mindfulness, which seems like a trendy buzzword—but there's a good reason for it.

Mindfulness is a way of thinking that is intended to make you more aware of the current moment by decluttering your thoughts, not worrying about the past or stressing out about the unknowns of the future. By living in the moment, you can slow down enough to appreciate every last bit, from the scent on the breeze to the sensation of breaths going in and out of your lungs to the tangy and comforting flavor of the tomato soup in your spoon.

Ready to start practicing mindfulness? The Tao of Pooh definitely awakens a sense of wonder and joy in the simple basic things of life ... including honey!

The Essential Rumi introduces the playful poems of world-renowned, Persian philosopher and poet Jalal Al-Din Rumi.

Check out this list, opens a new window for more ideas about how to reduce stress and incorporate mindfulness into your everyday life.