What You Don’t Know Is Coming to Kill You

Anyone who feels safe and secure isn't paying close enough attention. The world is full of danger, and if you want to be ready for it, you need to read into all those things that are out to get you. With that in mind, here are some books that will be sure to keep you at constant attention.

It's helpful to know that all the products that make our world easier are killing us with chemicals. The Body Toxic traces the history of dangerous chemicals in agriculture, cosmetics, flame-retardants, cookware and plastic. After reading this book, I swore off plastic food containers, refused any and all stain protection on my furniture, changed my water bottle, vacuumed obsessively and shrieked at the sight of Teflon.

I thought that I could turn to my fellow man for comfort, but I was wrong. At least one of the people I know, love or trust is likely an utter psychopath, someone who could watch me suffer miserably without so much as batting an eye. There are tons of books about these everyday psychopaths, and my particular favorite is The Psychopath Test, where the author starts finding psychopaths everywhere he goes.

It's times like these when the only person you can trust is yourself. But then again, no, you can't. Dangerous Instincts, written by an FBI profiler, happily reminds you that your gut reactions are really bad at evaluating people. The best criminals are experts at looking harmless, and the people most likely to hurt you are the ones you already trust. She provides her own guide to evaluating danger, but for some reason it didn't help my general mood.

The only course of action I can think of is to bury my head in more books and learn about all the myriad things that are out to get me. Tread carefully, dear reader. You don't know what's out there.