How Do Squirrels Survive the Winter?

These Frisky Brisky Hippity Hop-ping critters are fun to watch, so look out your window and record what you see. Between December 16, 2013 and January 5, 2014, investigate squirrels in your neighborhood as part of the Winter Learning Challenge.



  • Write a squirrel acrostic poem.
  • What if you were a squirrel? Write a story from a squirrel’s point of view. Need some inspiration? Try these story starters:
    • When I jump from branch to branch, I feel…
    • From my nest in a tree, I can see…
    • I went out in the snow to go dig up an acorn and…
    • With my ears perked up, I can hear…
  • Make your own squirrel guessing game with an egg carton and an acorn.
  • Learn to draw a squirrel. Create a winter scene with your squirrel.