Measuring Time: Books for Kids

This year is a special one because it's a Leap Year and February has 29 days. For more information on Leap Year, check out this article in World Book. Isn’t it wild how the solar year and the calendar year don’t quite match up? Time is such an interesting concept - see the books below to learn more.

In At the Same Moment, Around the World we see what children are doing in all 24 different time zones around the world. While some children are just waking up, others are halfway through their day or about to head to bed. This is a very cool look at time zones and what kids around the world do each day.

If you’re looking for something a little more abstract, look no further than Time Is a Flower. In this book, time is compared to a tree, a web and a sunset in very interesting ways. The illustrations are lovely and the story will really make you think!

Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry is a kid-friendly version of his wildly popular book for adults. It answers some questions about space and time in a way that kids can understand. Get ready to blow your friends' minds with new fun facts!

A Wrinkle in Time is a classic chapter book that keeps you entertained the whole time. When Meg Murry’s father disappears, she and her friends must go on a journey across time and space to locate him. They meet many characters throughout the way that help and hinder them in their journey through time.

Do you have a favorite book about time? Let us know in the comments!