Hip, Hip, Hooray for National Puzzle Day

I cannot — I repeat, cannot — resist a puzzle. And it doesn't matter what kind of puzzle it is — puzzle boxes, logic puzzles, crosswords, word searches, jigsaws or even riddles and mini mystery. I love the hidden secrets and the challenge of unlocking them.

Get your puzzle geek going for National Puzzle Day on January 29, with one of these great books.

Do you feel a thrill when each piece fits neatly in its place? Then try a story puzzle. The puzzles in Stories to Solve are pulled from folktales from China, Ethiopia and other faraway places. Cool fact: one story called "Crossing the River" is told, in one form or another, all over the world.

Would you rather puzzle over pictures? What in the World? is the book for you. These wild pictures from National Geographic are fun for stumping your friends. Bet you can't guess which colorful animal is on the cover? For more mind-bending pictures, also try Optical Illusions.

Maybe you like paper puzzles. There's lots to uncover in the amazing mazes of Roxie Munro. I like the library scene in Mazeways the best!  Which is your favorite?