More 2017 Teen Books We Love

If you're loving our annual Best of the Best lists, here are even more noteworthy books for teens published in 2017. 

If you loved Nowhere Girls but want something more light-hearted, try Moxie. Inspired by her mom's Riot Grrrl days, Viv self-publishes her own zine to protest the sexual harassment taking place in her high school.

If the surreal graphic novel Crawl Space appealed to you, check out Shirtless Bear-fighter! If the title alone isn't enough to make you LOL, I don't know what to say.

If you enjoyed the heartfelt family drama in Far from the Tree, pick up You Bring the Distant Near, an inspiring multigenerational story of an Indian-American family with very feminist daughters.

If you appreciated the action-packed Epic Crush of Genie Lo, make Rebel Seoul your next read. It also features a kick-butt female protagonist and is inspired by Korean TV dramas, better known as K-dramas. 

Ready for more? Check out our More 2017 Teen Titles We're Excited About booklist.