I used to look forward to How I Met Your Mother each week, eager to hear about Ted's latest adventures in the quest to meet "The One."
Now, I'm stifling a scream: "Meet already!!!" I know the journey is the point here, but seriously, when I started watching this show way back in 2005, I didn't think I would meet my mister before Ted met his missus (And I felt like my journey was long!). Even though the finale's less than two months away, I'm already climbing the walls. I need to see a couple get together—or not get together—much faster than HIMYM's timeline.
Even though Ted's not getting any satisfaction, we still can, thanks to these books, all told in alternating points of view.
Which Brings Me to You: So John and Jane meet right away, but there's lots of time for wondering "Do they? Don't they?" as they decide to step back after their steamy first encounter and get to know each other through the letters that make up this book. John and Jane have romantic secrets aplenty—and they're willing to share them all with each other.
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist: If you've seen the movie, you know the story: two teens meet at a club in New York and wind up on an all-night date. But it's much more than just a date. Despite their tender age, these teens are already pulling around romantic baggage.
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist is available in multiple formats.
One Day: Dexter and Emma spend one intriguing day together immediately after their college graduation. For the next 20 years, we see them on the anniversary of that day as they move in and out of each other's lives. Their stories kept me guessing—and rooting for them to see what is so clearly right in front of them.
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