We all struggle this time of year. I've been coughing and sneezing for weeks. We've barely seen the sun in months. There's only so much Netflix to watch. If you need a new way to chill, find inspiration in these crafty books.
Want to create some adorable embroidery while you're binge-watching? Check out 10 Easy Stitches and Tiny Stitches. The winter blues can't defeat this cuteness, which includes tiny coffee cups and ice cream cones.
If you're looking for an artistic way to recycle all the junk that's accumulated in your house this winter, flip through The Craft-a-day Book and Recycled Science for ideas.
Maybe you're not bored during these dreary cold days, but rather, you're fired up about the state of the world. Perhaps you can Make A Zine! and spread your ideas about politics and social justice.
Finally, if your household is like mine, the Disney+ app has fueled our Star Wars obsession this winter. Use your crafty force to produce one of the projects in the Star Wars Maker Lab with the younglings in your life.
May the crafts be with you, always. What's your favorite craft, or one you want to try? Tell me in the comments.
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