Teen Voices: Kaila C., “Upcycler”

Kaila C. of Chinatown Branch's YOUmedia often notices that there are piles of unused paper at various events, such as pamphlets from last year's summer learning challenge among other things. Since she enjoys arts and crafts activities, particularly origami, she thought of creative ways to make use of the unused paper (that might otherwise be thrown out).

"I was able to come up with creative ideas to upcycle the paper and also practice skills that I struggled with. I have a hard time explaining things I do, and having to teach teens how to fold and create these arts and crafts forced me to think about the best way to clearly explain the steps."

Although she feels like she didn't make a significant impact on the natural environment, she definitely did cut down on the amount of paper just lying around. Furthermore, she was able to teach other teens and younger children at the library a little bit about origami as they also completed the arts and crafts projects she created.

Thanks for all you do for your community and environment, Kaila!

Now it's time for others to consider how they can be a part of positive change for your Chicago environment this summer at chipublib.org/ImagineAtCPL! #CPLTeens #ImagineAtCPL