Chicago Public Library's 150th AnniversaryChicago Public Library's 150th Anniversary
Faces of CPL: Patrons
See the faces of Chicago Public Library who helped to shape our story and live our mission.
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Imelda, Emily and Alan
Alan: I love my library Gage Park because it is really fun. I love the activities here. It is easy to find whatever books you might want to read because they are sorted by topic.
Emily: I think the library is good because there is a bunch of books and you can learn about fiction and non-fiction. There is a lot of activities.
Imelda (mom): A los niños les gusta las actividades de nuestra biblioteca. También siento que se concentran más en leer aquí porque hay menos distracciones.

Karen B.
I LOVE the Chicago Public Library and we have checked out over 1,500 books. My local library is Humboldt Park and my daughters and I visit the Thomas Hughes Children's Library at Harold Washington regularly, among others! We have library books all over our home - on bookshelves and desks, in baskets. We visit the library weekly. From being warming sites, handing out Narcan kits and seeds, the programming, staff, resources and BOOKS available at a library are the true gems of this city.

Jonathan B.
I love the library because I'm able to access my email and download accessible books write various materials using computers with JAWS assistive program. I also visit the library to listen to descriptive movies.

Angie O.
As a mom, the library provides a quiet environment to do homework with my daughter. As a teacher, I love that I can enrich my students' learning with so many high-quality texts!

Terrence F.
Service, is personal, vested interest in each client's needs, polite, courteous, warm, caring, extremely friendly, well-versed in the technology: affording the most complete service. It is truly "accessible." Over the past 20 years, I've enjoyed to the facility. It has been helpful, both in my business profession and my personal needs. Reading, for me has been fundamental. The assistance, provided by the assistive technology center and its librarian staff has been invaluable.

Mercedes C.
I always loved to read, yet I was born in a country that doesn't have libraries (except those technical ones inside Universities' campuses only for students and staff). When I came to the USA and entered my first library, I felt like a kid in Disneyland! I couldn't believe I could take home and read whatever I wanted! My library card felt and still does, as an invaluable treasure. Thank you wonderful people behind libraries, you gave me a magic wand to many dimensions of wisdom and joy.

Jacqueline C.
I am a patron at the Chicago Public Library. I am very appreciative and really love the services that were provided for me. I love the resources and the use of the technology that is accessible to people with disabilities. I appreciate the love and support from the staff members in helping me with educational needs and the use of obtaining digital talking books.

Sabre R.
It gives me a place of comfort and to meet up with friends. I can read and find a place to do my work when I have free time. My sister can come here to colour and find books she wants to take home. I have a place where I feel that I can belong and not feel like an outcast.

The library allows me to stay young by learning, exploring and wondering.

Riva B.
CPL has always been a place of learning, community, and intellectual stimulation for me. I've been using the library since 1965, during my grad school days. Book discussions, exhibits, help with searches .... May CPL live forever, online and with real live books!!!

Andrea K.
Budlong Woods offers – stimulating book discussions - accessible games nights –a weekend creating ceramic tiles for an outdoor mural – cultural and musical performances – and so much more. Thank you, CPL, for enriching my life. Happy 150th anniversary!

Judith D.
CPL provides a variety of educational and entertaining programs for all ages. Access to a wide range of online resources is a remarkable asset. In the last 20 years, I’ve enjoyed many wonderful book discussions, workshops, games, exhibits, movies, crafts, and cultural events at the Budlong Woods (BW-CPL) Branch in my neighborhood. It is the staff (manager, librarians, clerks, security) at BW-CPL that I love even more - welcoming, friendly, and helpful. All that puts a smile on my face.

Enid F.
Books, books and more books! A wonderful writing group for several years. Digital tutoring. Lectures and performances. And the greatest librarians at Budlong Woods Library!!!

Gay G.
Chicago libraries have always been a sanctuary for me and a place where democracy is alive and well. Here I am free to read and listen to ideas of all kinds. I can borrow materials to take home. I can make copies and share information. I can follow my inquiries in unexpected directions, often thanks to suggestions from the librarians and other staff who are friendly and welcoming to me and to everyone who comes through the doors.

Audrey B.
I love Greater Grand Crossing Library because they are a part of the community that provides services for the community. Services that help to make our neighborhood a better place. Greater Grand Crossing offer services for every age group to find encouraging and positive activities close to home. The staff is always there to help in any given situation with a smile on their faces. Greater Grand Crossing is just such a pleasant atmosphere to study, do research or relax with a good book.

The Park-Joy Family
We are a family of readers! The West Town branch is our home away from home. We come here for books, DVDs, museum passes, and more. Our kids like to play with the Lego table, and we love the kids workshops and activities. Last December, we made Christmas ornaments with the kids librarian. And during the summer, we love doing the summer reading challenge!