The long-awaited continuation of the iconic television series Twin Peaks is set to debut on Showtime this month. When it first premiered in 1990, David Lynch's lush, atmospheric drama had everyone wondering, "Who killed Laura Palmer?"
The series was short-lived, producing only two seasons and the movie Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, but it influenced a whole generation of filmmakers and writers, including creators of The Killing and Bates Motel. So on this Throwback Thursday, let's take a look at what else had people talking way back in 1990.
The top-grossing film of 1990 was Ghost, Patrick Swayze's supernatural romantic thriller that has its own iconic images. Pottery wheel, anyone?
Joe Pesci won Best Supporting Actor for his role in GoodFellas, a crime drama following the ups and downs of real-life mobster Henry Hill. If you've already seen the movie, check out the full story in Nicholas Pileggi's Wiseguy.
The Soundtrack From Twin Peaks made notable use of Julee Cruise's dream-pop jazz vocals and Angelo Badalamenti's haunting instrumentals. The mainstream music hits of 1990 were a bit lighter. You can listen to Wilson Phillips' No. 1 hit, "Hold On," if you prefer your music to be less obsessive and more inspirational.
Wilson Phillips is available instantly on hoopla.
A lot has changed since 1990, but I'm sure the Double R Diner still serves a fine cup of coffee and the best pies around. See you in the Black Lodge!
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