Look, It’s a Bird! Books for Kids

Do you look up at the bare trees in Chicago and try to spot nests in them? That's one of my favorite things to do once the leaves have fallen off the trees in preparation for the arrival of winter. If you're an avid or budding birder, you probably love to spot birds in your backyard or neighborhood. Do you wonder what birds are hanging out with you? Then you'll want to check out these cool books about birds and becoming an expert birder!

Backyard Birding for Kids is the perfect field guide with lots of tips as well as fun activities and projects to do.

Did you know that our state bird, the Northern Cardinal, is also the official bird of six other states as well? If you love trivia facts like this one, be sure to dive into National Wildlife Federation's World of Birds. You're sure to impress your friends and family with your new knowledge.

Did you know that not all birds migrate to another region in preparation for winter? Learn all about the birds that you can watch for in Snow Birds.

You're never too young to start birding. Take a look at these two books, Backyard Birds and Migrating Birds, perfect for younger kids.

After reading these books, join the Audubon Christmas Bird Count, which starts on December 14. And be sure to check out Audubon for Kids! How many birds do you hope to count?

For more bird books, check out Ms. Liv's springtime blog post.