Get Inventing with Design Challenges

Have you ever invented something new? In these books, the characters are all faced with problems that could be solved by coming up with a new device. Challenge yourself to design something inspired by these great books!

Design a tail or other appendage, like an arm, hand or foot, that helps you with a daily chore, like getting dressed. In A Tale About Tails by Tish Rabe, learn about different ways animals use their tails.

Oh no! Your toy plane got caught in a very tall tree. Design something that you can use to safely get it down. It helps to keep in mind ideas that might not work so well for getting toys out of trees. You can find one of these not so great ideas in My Kite Is Stuck! and Other Stories by Salina Yoon.

Oh no! A kitten is caught in a burning building and the firefighter’s ladder is too short! Design and build a way to rescue her! Check out Firefighter Pete by James Dean to see how Pete the Cat learns about how firefighters help in the community.

What did you invent?