Celebrate Positive Thinking Day

September 13 is Positive Thinking Day! Yes, there is a day devoted entirely to positive thinking. It can be easy to get caught up in small things like waking up later than you planned, missing a deadline, or not meeting a personal goal. Fear not! There are books for that. Gentle reminders to live in the moment can be helpful if you’re up for the challenge of Positive Thinking Day. You can find inspiration in these books.

Viktor E. Frankl survived the Holocaust. He was an accomplished psychiatrist and researcher before he was forced into a concentration camp during the war. Despite witnessing mass genocide and daily atrocities, Frankl explains that finding meaning in each day is what kept him alive. He attributed his survival to positive thinking and later developed a term for it, Logotherapy. You can read about his experience of survival and his research in his memoir Man's Search for Meaning.

In Atomic Habits, James Clear challenges the reader to commit to small daily changes instead of large grandiose ones. Smaller changes are much more feasible than trying to change your entire lifestyle overnight. This book is a mixture of habit-creating advice and small stories of achievement. This is a quick read with huge takeaways.

Jay Shetty is a podcaster who previously spent three years of his life in India dedicated to becoming a monk. While his goal did not come to fruition, he did discover many things about himself while there. In Think Like a Monk, he explains how meditation strengthened his sense of purpose, transformed his relationships and helped him share his gifts with those around him. This is an excellent quick read if you want some insight into starting a meditation routine.

Gabrielle Bernstein is a motivational speaker and author of many books, but this one focuses on the power of a positive mindset through the lens of spirituality. In The Universe Has Your Back, she shares her personal path to success by reframing her thinking and trusting in the universe.

What are some of your favorite inspirational and positive book recommendations?