5 Teen Horror Novels You Can’t Put Down

Let me start off by saying that I love horror novels. If you’re like me, then you’ll know the scarier, the better. There’s nothing like getting deep inside a story and then hearing the faintest of sounds in an empty house that gets your nerves working and your brain twirling with thoughts of anything that may go bump in the night. If you grew up on light horror tales such as Goosebumps, then you may not be prepared for these spooky reads.

Werewolves and shapeshifters and zombies, oh my! Ghost Summer is an eerie collection of short stories about fantastical creatures written with an enthralling vibe.

You’ll feel right at home with Asylum. Three teens uncover horrifying secrets of the sanitarium-turned-dormitory where they’re living for the summer.

If that doesn’t give you the heebie-jeebies, There's Someone Inside your House will change that. This psychological thriller throws you into the chaotic world of a small town reeling from a serial killer in its midst.

You may bite off more than you can chew with Rot & Ruin. This zombie infested post-apocalyptic world is a non-stop fight for survival.

If none of those stories has you jumping when your cell phone rings, The Girl From the Well will definitely do the trick. Derived from the same ancient Japanese legend as The Ring, a centuries-old murdered ghost haunts an unsuspecting boy possessed by a demonic spirit.

For more scary reads, check out Horror and Ghost Stories for Teens