1993, Another Summer, Sound of Chicago’s Funky Drummer

What was Chicago like in 1993? Utilizing Chicago Tribune articles, author and urbanologist Max Grinnell looks into news stories about Cabrini Green, the new Comiskey Park, public schools, and other matters to talk about the cultural and social milieu around the city. Along the way, we'll also check in at the Chicago Bulls 1993 championship rally, listen to some local radio legends Eddie & JoBo, and hear about Moo & Oink's meat products.

As an urbanologist, geographer, historian, and professor, Max Grinnell finds his purpose in describing, critiquing, and analyzing the urban condition. He’s an expert on urban design, planning, public art, the creative economy, and the history of cities, and has written several books including Hyde Park, Illinois and 24 Great Walks in Chicago