Teen Voices: Featuring Guadalupe

Each month we spotlight a teen at CPL.

Guadalupe helped out this past summer at West Lawn Branch and while volunteering, she shared some of her favorite things to do.

Q. What are your hobbies?

A. Well, I enjoy drawing and painting. My teachers always challenge me to grow so currently I’m putting together a collage. I like nice art, but collaging is teaching me to be comfortable with working outside the lines. This summer I am diving deeper into abstract art while developing my technical skills.

Q. Why did you start drawing and painting?

A. Well, ever since I remember I’ve been drawing. Before high school it was just an activity, but now that I’m at the Chicago High School for the Arts I’m being taught new techniques, and art is more than an idea. It’s an opportunity to continue growing. I hope to one day live off of my artwork.

Q. What’s your favorite book?

A. My favorite book is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon. Now, it doesn’t have the best ending, but I loved how you could empathize with the characters. The main character has some serious social problems, but the overall theme was one which most people can relate with.

Q. Why do you volunteer?

A. Well, I really needed to do something this summer and I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t just stay in the house all summer. Plus, volunteering helped me complete my hours for school.

Thanks for sharing Guadalupe! We look forward to seeing all the art you create!