YOUmedia Spotlight on Michael

YOUmedia participant Michael loves to perform regularly at F.L.O.W. We talked to him a little about performing and what he enjoys about the space. In his own words:

I am currently a sophomore, but my dream is to be a professional choreographer. I started dancing when I was 8 years old. I've been self taught since then. My style is most obviously influenced by Michael Jackson, but I like other dancers too. Growing up I was always interested in the latest dance moves, like Soulja Boy, or anything really energetic. I'm a very energetic person - always moving around.

I love going to open mic and getting a chance to showcase my talent and practice performing. They've got a good audience - good hosts - it's just a good time. For anyone thinking about performing, here is my advice to you - don't be nervous and do your thing.

Come see Michael perform or share your own talents with us every other Wednesday at F.L.O.W.