Cool Tools, and More 3D!

We’re hosting a Cool Tools Meetup in the Maker Lab from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. tonight, December 4. From the Meetup page:

Do you have a favorite tool that you’d like to let other people know about? Then come to the first Cool Tools Show & Tell Worldwide Meetup! Bring your favorite tool (hand tools, maps, how-to books, vehicles, software, specialized devices, gizmos, websites — and anything useful) and be prepared to talk about it and (if feasible) demonstrate it to other cool tools enthusiasts.

One website we love is the SpaghettiBot Tumblr. The photos posted capture the fantastic spectrum of failed 3D prints. If you’ve spent any time in the lab, you’ll have seen us unclogging extruders, turning on rafts, changing filament and switching plates, all in the effort to battle the mysterious failed print. Sometimes it is also a matter of making sure your object’s parts are spaced precisely (no gaps between), and grouped. With this holiday star, the first layer was a little thin and may have been cut off by the platform.

Although we had a little trouble printing all the ornaments in Monday night’s class, we had another great group of attendees who we think learned a lot about the fun and challenges of 3D printing.

Now test your growing knowledge with Mashable’s 7 Things You Didn’t Know About 3D Printing.