Art Exhibit by Robin Dluzen at Whitney M. Young, Jr. Branch

Whitney M. Young, Jr. Branch hosts a Polish American Heritage Month art exhibit featuring artist Robin Dluzen. The exhibit will be on display October 1 through December 31.

Robin Dluzen will give an artist talk at a reception at 4:30 p.m. Monday, October 19 at Whitney M. Young, Jr. Branch.

Artist Statement

“Though the imagery I feature in my work may seem varied—the transmission towers, the Southeast Michigan landscapes and the appropriated line drawings—together they create a composite picture of the concept of "home." While some evoke personal notions of home for myself, like the greenhouse schematics that reference the work history of both my parents, others, like the power lines and appropriated hardware illustrations, will be familiar to a broad spectrum of viewers. Compounded with the content imparted through the representational imagery is the meaning imbued within the sourced, recycled, utilitarian and throwaway materials I employ. Ephemeral media like brown paper lawn refuse bags and cardboard contribute to a "here today, gone tomorrow," fleeting sense of place and time. But, home is not just a place of fondness and memories; it’s also the conflation of landscape, labor and socioeconomics that lay the groundwork of identity.”