Adults, Take the Pick Four Summer Reading Challenge

Pick Four board with spaces for category numbers and corresponding book titlesUpdated September 5, 2018: Thank you to everyone who participated in the Pick Four Challenge. We have notified winners of the prize drawing.

Adults, choose from a variety of reading categories and recharge your reading with our Pick Four summer reading game.

Start by printing our Pick Four Board. Then read at least four books to enter a drawing to win prizes such as CPL T-shirts and book-themed tote bags.

To enter the drawing, scan or take a photo of your completed board and email it to Or mail a copy to Chicago Public Library, Content Curation,10-S, 400 S. State St., Chicago, IL 60605. Entries due by August 27.

Reading Suggestions

Need some ideas for what to read? We've got you covered. See the Pick Four Board for a complete list of categories.