Vaping: Articles and Resources for Teens

Vaping, e-cigarettes and reports of lung injuries and deaths are in the news a lot lately. Here are some library resources and websites to help you find more information.

For recent news about vaping, check out "Vaping: From 'Safer Than Cigarettes' to Public Health Crisis" (U.S. News, October 4, 2019) or "Inside the Dangerous Rise of Juul" (Time Magazine, September 30, 2019). These articles look at health issues, sales, marketing and more.

For information about the history of vaping and arguments from supporters and opponents of regulation, check out "E-Cigarettes and Vaping: Should the Federal Government Strictly Regulate the E-Cigarette Industry?" (This from our online resource Issues & Controversies, which is a great resource for students working on persuasive essays or debates.)

Some schools are taking action to ban or prevent vaping by using special detectors. Learn more in "What Schools Are Doing Across the Country to Stem the Vaping Crisis" (Curriculum Review, November 2019).

"For Generation Juul, Nicotine Addiction Happens Fast And Is Hard To Shake" (Kaiser Health News, October 21, 2019) looks specifically at vaping's impact on teens. The article describes two teens—Will, who became addicted to vaping, and Louis, who started an anti-vaping group at his school because of fears that the fumes will aggravate his asthma.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Electronic Cigarettes has information about the risks of vaping, including information about e-cigarette aerosol risks as well as infographics and videos about tobacco use in general.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens has easily digestible information like lists and Q&As, videos and more to help teens learn about vaping, the brain and addiction.