Russian Classics: Top Picks for Winter

Some people would have you believe that the best way to deal with winter is to not deal with it at all. Go somewhere sunny, sit on a beach and soak up some Vitamin D. That may work for some, but many of us are happy—or forced—to take winter for what it is. We bundle up outside and cozy up inside. We understand that this time of year your books, like your coats, should be heavier. We know that a thick Russian classic just may be the perfect companion for a cold winter's night. Here are some top picks to settle in with.

Anna Karenina is a sweeping and delicious read. Anna is a woman who decides to follow her passion, but there's more to it than a tragic love story. Tolstoy introduces rich and realistic characters so readers are enveloped in late 19th century society. Have you already read this can't-miss classic? Enjoy a modern-day spin, set in New York City with What Happened to Anna K.

The Brothers Karamazov is philosophical and unforgettable. The hateful and greedy Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov has four sons. Through the brothers and their beliefs and lives, Dostoyevsky examines faith and doubt, free will, morality and reason.

Even if you've already seen it as a movie, Doctor Zhivago is a novel worth reading. An epic set closer to our own times, it's the story of one man—Yuri Zhivago—and his family and loves against the turmoil, revolutions and wars of the early 20th century.