Quiz: How Well Do You Know Black Hollywood?

The contributions of African American actors, directors, cinematographers and producers began with the birth of silent film. Test your Hollywood smarts from then to now with this quiz from our bloggers. (We just scratched the surface with these 10 questions, so we're already cooking up another quiz. Stay tuned for Part 2!)

Who was the first African American to win an Academy Award?
Oscar Micheaux was the first African American film director. What was the first feature-length film he directed?
Which husband and wife appear in Spike Lee's Jungle Fever and Do the Right Thing?
Groundbreaking director Spike Lee has dealt with issues in the African-American community in both comedies and dramas. Which is these is NOT a Spike Lee movie?
Which film did Sidney Poitier NOT star in?
Which actor is NOT from Chicago?
Which play by an African American writer has NOT been made into a movie?
Oprah Winfrey is known for her roles in movies based on books. Which movie was NOT based on a book?
Who was the first African American woman to play a lead role on a television drama?
Which film actor did NOT start his acting career on TV?
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