Calling all young writers! Anyone can be a writer during National Novel Writing Month, better known as NaNoWriMo. Adults, like me, are challenged to write 50,000 words (1667 per day!) in 30 days. Younger writers can set their own goals as part of the NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program. You can write by hand on paper or type your novel on a computer or tablet. However you choose to participate, don’t forget that all writers—even adults—get better with practice and inspiration!
For inspiration and instruction, try one of these entertaining and useful books that can help you become a successful author.
Help! We Need A Title!: What happens when a reader opens a book to find unsuspecting characters not ready to tell a story? Giggle your way through this story of characters in search of their author.
Bad Kitty: Let Bad Kitty and his author/illustrator explore the parts of a successful story as they add appropriate (and inappropriate) characters, ridiculous plots and a slobbering antagonist (gross!).
Adventures in Cartooning: Take a crash course in comics with a knight, an elf and a bubble-blowing dragon. By the end, you'll be ready to write and draw your own comic and hopefully our heroes will have completed their quest.
Write This Book: A mysterious thing has happened – Pseudonymous Bosch will set the scene and you can finish the mystery by brainstorming, procrastinating and plot mapping your way through your story...and his!
Write This Book is available in multiple formats.
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