Set in the fictional West African nation of Orisha, Children of Blood and Bone is teen fantasy at its best. This harsh yet beautiful, fast-paced tale weaves a story of magic and oppression that's nearly impossible to put down. After witnessing the deaths of her mother and many of her people years earlier as a small child, Zelie sees her world turned upside down once again. A chance encounter with the Orishan princess causes her to embark on a quest to restore the magic of the maji, a powerful magic-wielding people. The second installment in the series, Children Of Virtue And Vengeance, will be out in December.
If you like Children of Blood and Bone, here are some reads that are sure to grab your attention.
Akata Witch tells the story of Sunny, an American-born Nigerian girl who discovers that she and her friends have magical powers after her parents relocate the family back to Nigeria. This richly imagined first installment will leave you wanting more.
In Kingdom of Souls, all Arrah has ever wanted was magic and, despite being born into a powerful magical family, she has none. But she's determined to sacrifice everything when she discovers evil lurking in the kingdom.
In We Hunt the Flame, Zafira, disguising herself as a man because women are viewed as tainted, embarks on a quest to restore magic to the land and end starvation in her village.
Beasts Made of Night tells the story of Taj, an aki or sin-eater, who consumes sins of others, which then take the form of animal tattoos. When Taj is chosen to eat the sin of the king, he finds himself at the center of an unexpected uprising. You'll get lost in this rich, detailed story featuring a diverse cast of characters.
Do you have a favorite teen fantasy novel? Let me know in the comments!
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