April 2020 Reading Challenge: The TBR Pile

Many readers have a stash of books they hope to find the time to read on their nightstand or around the house. Sometimes that to-be-read (TBR) pile is just a list at the back of the mind. Now with people sheltering in place around the world, many readers have been inspired to tackle those books they didn't have time for before.

Chances are you have some books at home that you've been meaning to read for a long time. So what's beckoning to you from your TBR pile? 

A Public Space started a free online book discussion for people who've always wanted to tackle War and Peace, while Newsweek recommends "33 Super-Long Books To Finally Read Now That You've Got No Other Excuse - And None of Them Are 'War and Peace.'"

The L.A. Times highlighted "Eight great very long books you finally have time to read". USA Today recommended "100 books to read while stuck at home during the coronavirus crisis." The Guardian urges you to "Tackle that to-be-read pile: the books to try if you're self-isolating." 

If you've been inspired to start a book, enjoy! And whether it's a short book or a big fat classic, please let us know in the comments what book from your TBR pile you're reading.