Chicago Public Library Archives. Harold Washington Library Center Design Build Records

Dates: 1986-1991. Size: 22.5 linear feet in 19 boxes, including 471 slides, 2 VHS video recordings plus 1 oversize folder. Chicago Public Library, Harold Washington Library Center, Special Collections. The Harold Washington Library Center Design Build Records document the process by which the design for Chicago Public Library's new Central Library was chosen. On July 29, 1987, Mayor Washington and the City Council authorized a design/build competition and approved a bond issue to finance the project. Under the competition rules, architects and builders teamed up to design the new Central Library within the set price of $144 million. Norman Ross, Chairman of the Citizen Jury, announced the winner on June 20, 1988. By a vote of 9-2, the winning entry was the proposal submitted by the SEBUS Group. Records include information about the jurying process, submittals by the five finalists, including slide presentations and public comment cards. [Finding aid]