Spring Cleaning

The weather can't seem to decide if it's spring or winter. So with plenty of cold and rainy days ahead to put a damper on outdoor plans, it’s the perfect time to tackle those dust bunnies and overflowing closets. Daunting, you say? Why not consult the experts?

Who better to start with than the queen of all things domestic, Martha Stewart? She's bound to get you off on the right foot.

Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook

Another tried and true favorite comes from the folks at Good Housekeeping.

The Complete Household Handbook

And for going beyond cleaning and really creating some order, check out these books on living clutter free.

First from clutter-busting guru Peter Walsh, take a look at How to Organize Just About Everything

Of course we’d be remiss if we did not mention Marie Kondo’s wildly popular The Life-changing Magic of Tidying up and her recent follow up, Spark Joy.

And along the same lines of simplifying your life, check out The Joy of Less

Last but not least, here's one for those who need to contend with not only their own clutter, but with their kids’ stuff too: Clutterfree With Kids