New Homeowners/Renters and New Businesses Now Available in ReferenceUSA

You can now create mailing lists of new homeowners, new renters and new businesses using ReferenceUSA. These lists are of interest not only to businesses but to any organization with a local reach—from churches to block clubs.

While the Library has for a long time offered new homeowner and new business listings through Illinois Public Records, ReferenceUSA offers expanded listings that are easier to use.

New homeowner data is pulled from real estate transactions filed with county recorders. New renter information is taken from new phone connections and change of addresses filed with credit cards and magazines. New business data is pulled from new business filings and utility connections and is phone verified.

For each category in ReferenceUSA, you'll likely want to use the Custom Search to create a list. In the U.S. New Movers/Homeowners Database, use Residential Details > Home Ownership to separate renters for homeowners.

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