Let’s Go Crazy! Prince’s New Albums Are Here!

No need 2 panic. No need 2 flip … ‘cuz if u love the funky beats of the 80s and the originality of Prince, then you’re probably as thrilled as I am to know that he’s coming out with two new full albums, Art Official Age and Plectrumelectrum, at the end of September. The library already has them on order, too!

If the wait seems unbearable, I’ve prepared a special list of fun reads, great music and an epic movie (Purple Rain, of course) to keep you busy while you wait.

And there are always sound-alikes you can listen to in the meantime, such as Rick James’s Superfreak or Fire and Desire, with Teena Marie, in The Definitive Collection or Jungle Boogie and Get Down on It by Kool & the Gang in Kool & the Gang.

Now that you've got the 411, take a chill pill and don't be illin' while you wait for the new Prince CD's!